There will be no fireworks at Mount Rushmore this Independence Day because the government finds it too risky — but perhaps what they’re really worried about is an outbreak of patriotism.
For the second year in a row, the National Park Service has denied a request from South Dakota to put on a fireworks display at the monument on July 4, Fox News reported.
The display was eliminated from South Dakota tradition in 2009 because of the stated fire risks but returned in 2020 and included an appearance by former President Donald Trump.
Leftists were sufficiently rankled by Trump’s appearance during a pandemic, though no cases of the virus could be traced to the event, and the event has yet to return.
Now in a letter to the South Dakota Department of Tourism, Michelle Wheatley, superintendent of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial, cited concerns such as potential pollution, wildfire risk, visitor restrictions to the park for the event and offense to tribal groups in the area to bar the display this year.
“After careful consideration, the NPS has determined that we are unable to grant your request for this permit to hold a special event with fireworks at the Memorial,” the March 14 letter stated.
“Based on the information provided in the application, we have determined that multiple such criteria are present for the requested event, each of which would be independently sufficient to deny the request for a permit,” it added.
Of course, no prohibition of anything enjoyable would be complete with the requisite nod to how it would further oppress marginalized groups.
“Fireworks are viewed by multiple Tribes as an adverse effect to the traditional cultural landscape,” Wheatley stated, citing a Tribal Cultural Survey conducted in May 2021 that revealed “ample documented opposition from the Tribes to the 2020 event.”
The NPS also claimed fireworks “present a clear and present danger to the public health and safety” — though the 2020 display went off without injury — and “result in significant conflict with existing uses” of the park.
This is the second time in as many years that South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem was denied a permit to hold the fireworks display at the iconic location.
The Republican governor is involved in a pending lawsuit over the 2021 decision, though the state still pursued a request in September for a 2022 permit, according to the Argus Leader.
“Mount Rushmore is the best place in America to celebrate our nation’s birthday — I just wish @JoeBiden could see that,” Noem said of the decision in a Wednesday tweet.
“His admin denied our permit application. We will move forward with our litigation and urge the court to help find a speedy resolution,” she promised.
Mount Rushmore is the best place in America to celebrate our nation’s birthday — I just wish @JoeBiden could see that. His admin denied our permit application. We will move forward with our litigation and urge the court to help find a speedy resolution.https://t.co/bEDbHlSJDO pic.twitter.com/L9vMluI7VO
— Governor Kristi Noem (@govkristinoem) March 15, 2022
Though some of the claims, such as wildfire risk and pollution, are valid, it can’t be overstated how President Joe Biden, his administration and leftists in general have a visceral aversion to anything patriotic.
They believe that the original sin of slavery cannot be undone, and therefore, waving an American flag or belting out the “Star-Spangled Banner” is akin to attending a Ku Klux Klan rally.
Perhaps, this aversion to Independence Day festivities also stems from a decade-old Harvard University study that suggested people who participate in July 4 celebrations as children are more likely to be Republican adults.
No, it’s just too much to risk — as revelers could walk away with hearts swelling with pride for their county that provides prosperity, opportunity and liberty for all who want it.
It’s dangerous when they stop resenting their fatherland and start seeing America for what it is — a land of imperfect people protected by the nearly flawless founding documents that prevent tyranny and the predations of power-drunk rulers.
Whatever the official reasons, there’s no doubt that seeing the rockets’ red glare illuminate the faces of the great men who built this country is too much to bear for people who hate America — especially when it threatens to cause an outbreak of love for this great nation.