Joe Biden’s presidency is a horrifying trainwreck, which explains why he has repeatedly avoided taking even basic questions from the news media.
His pattern of ignoring reporters continued on Thursday when he cavalierly dismissed a legitimate question that millions of Americans want him to answer.
Specifically, a reporter asked if Biden has a message “for vaccinated Americans who are wondering why they should continue to restrict their activities, given that your health officials say most Americans will get COVID at some point?”
The career politician — who campaigned for the presidency from his basement — replied, “Folks, we’ll talk about that later. Come on.”
Biden then smirked as his handlers shushed frustrated reporters, who peppered him with questions that fell on deaf ears.
Imagine the outrage from the Democrats and their media puppets if former President Donald Trump — who held impromptu press scrums almost every day — brushed off questions in the middle of a crisis the way Biden does.
They would undoubtedly slam Trump as an “enemy of the free press.” Yet Biden largely escapes such backlash.
Keep in mind that the point of staging the media event Thursday was for the president to inform Americans about what he’s doing to curb the COVID-19 pandemic amid the surge in cases of the omicron variant.
However, like most Democrats, Biden seems to have forgotten that he works for us and is accountable to the public. He is not an absolute ruler who answers to no one.
Moreover, it is critical for the White House to be as responsive as possible to the public right now, amid the multiple, catastrophic emergencies ravaging the country, including soaring inflation, a crippling supply-chain crisis, terrifying crime waves and ongoing border invasions.
The doddering Biden also repeated a falsehood during his brief media event when he again claimed “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
In fact, data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that omicron has spread like wildfire among the vaccinated.
Joe Biden continues to lie and call this a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” If that’s true, why do the most vaccinated states have a higher rate of covid? (As you can see from @ianmSC there is virtually no difference at all in infection rates with omicron surge). pic.twitter.com/IJ5QKUxcAF
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) January 13, 2022
During the past year, Biden has routinely ignored questions and walked away from reporters asking about the crises roiling the nation under his watch.
President Biden snaps at CNN's @kaitlancollins who asks why he's "confident" Putin will change his behavior:
"I'm not confident I'm going to change his behavior. What the hell? What do you do all the time?… If you don't understand that, you're in the wrong business." pic.twitter.com/LSX0QY2AF1
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 16, 2021
Profile in Courage
Biden Walks Away from Questions About Thousands of Americans Still Stranded in Afghanistan
Priorities! Turns Back on Press After Giving Speech to Push COVID Vax amid Crisis pic.twitter.com/2F6BtR47aY
— jim Deeth ..truthsocial.com (@deeth_jim) August 23, 2021
Biden turns back on reporters, refuses to take questions after remarks on dismal jobs reporthttps://t.co/ke7orQUt8a
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 8, 2021
What we’re seeing is a presidency in meltdown because the guy in the Oval Office is simply not capable of discharging his duties.
Biden is not up to the job, and his presidency is an abject failure. Now, even some members of the fawning liberal media can see that.