White House press secretary Jen Psaki seemed rattled as she struggled to answer a simple question about whether the Biden administration is engaging with parents about school reopenings during her daily media briefing on Friday.
But the ineffectual face of the inept Biden administration did essentially confirm that the White House only cares about leftist teachers unions when it comes to how the coronavirus pandemic will continue to affect schools this fall.
Psaki was asked about comments from Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on fear of the spread of the supposedly crippling delta variant as millions of students across the country prepare to return to the classroom in the coming weeks.
“Yesterday, Secretary Cardona noted that the administration is working closely with teacher unions as they prepare for school openings this fall. I’m wondering: Are there any specific parent organizations that the administration is also partnering with?” a reporter asked, according to a White House transcript of the briefing.
Psaki appeared frazzled. The question wasn’t much of a trap, but you could tell she knew the headlines that might have been generated had she given an honest answer and admitted the Biden administration isn’t concerned about parents and students.
“To help ensure schools opening?” Psaki asked, apparently to buy time.
“Uh, you know, that would — that is something certainly the Department of Education — they are working with a range of organizations to make sure they are educated, they have the information they need, they know what the mitigation measures are,” she responded.
“I can certainly ask Secretary Cardona if there any specifics or get you in touch with the Department of Education,” she quickly concluded.
We know why Psaki couldn’t name a single specific parent organization that the White House considers a partner on the issue — there aren’t any.
President Joe Biden and those around him don’t give a hoot about moms and dads as the coronavirus continues to mutate into a leftist totalitarian dictatorship. Parents are about to send their children to schools obsessed with mandating masks, decrying racism and rewriting history, and so many of those schools are only as good as the leftist teachers unions that essentially call the shots.
Does Dr. Anthony Fauci care if parents are concerned about kids wearing dehumanizing masks? We know Cardona doesn’t care about mothers and fathers.
“Are you engaged in discussions with teachers unions that might be reluctant about returning to the classroom this fall because of the delta variant?” the education secretary was asked just a day before Psaki foundered on the subject.
“You know, I really don’t expect it to be a challenge to work with our teachers to get our schools reopened,” Cardona responded, according to a White House transcript.
“In fact, I think they’ve shown a lot of proactive communication about wanting to reopen schools. All teachers want schools reopened, and we just want to make sure that they’re safe for students and for staff.”
In the exchanges resulting from that question, Cardona never once mentioned being engaged with parents directly, but he did appear to slight anyone not willing to accept the official federal government line with regard to what is acceptable behavior during the 2021-2022 school year.
“You know what I’m worried about? The adult actions getting in the way of schools safely reopening. Let our educators educate, let our leaders, school leaders, lead, and we can get our schools reopened safely,” he said.
There was no talk of engaging with parents organizations. The White House doesn’t care about parents or their children.
The Education Department is simply concerned with placating the White House and leftist teachers unions.
Instead of admitting this simple fact, Psaki on Friday scrambled to find a lucid answer — and in the process reminded us of how awful she is at her job.
Via The Western Journal.