Over the years, former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo has shown a healthy dose of contempt for the working-class Americans who tend to support the Republican Party.
Detached liberal elites have often shown contempt for such people because they have no clue what the day-to-day life of a blue-collar worker even looks like.
Well, according to a recently released report, Cuomo got a small glimpse into the blue-collar worker lifestyle.
Apparently, it was too much for him to handle.
Months after being fired from CNN for using his professional connections to help his brother dodge sexual harassment allegations, Cuomo applied for a volunteer position with the East Hampton Fire Department, two anonymous sources reportedly told the Daily Beast.
After meeting with chiefs only a short time later, however, Cuomo withdrew his application.
Why? Because the job is too time-consuming.
“Cuomo, who shares a home with his wife Christina Cuomo in extremely prestigious Southampton, seemed ‘eager’ to become a member of the all-volunteer squad, according to our sources, but balked at the time commitment,” Daily Beast reported.
In other words, Cuomo was enticed by the prestige that comes with such a position but wasn’t willing to put in the necessary work to earn it.
Speaking with the Daily Beast, EHFD Chief Duane Forrester revealed that the intense time commitment tends to scare off celebrities from joining the unit.
“It’s a very time-consuming thing. There are monthly meetings and drills, and you have to meet a percentage of your calls,” Forrester said. “That’s why we don’t have many celebrities.”
Since being ousted from CNN, Cuomo has been working especially hard to maintain relevance.
In March, Cuomo filed a massive $125 million lawsuit against the outlet for firing him.
Then, he strangely ended a seven-month hiatus from Instagram to “post dispatches from war-torn Ukraine, tease an upcoming project, market a ‘Free Agent’ merch line and share pics of himself fishing with his hero-to-zero brother,” the New York Post reported.
Even with his unwillingness to work long hours, it’s likely Cuomo will get back on his feet.
After all, there’s lots of money to be made in disparaging half of the country as evil and racist.
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