Last night Biden supporter and former President George W. Bush posted a statement on Afghanistan to his Bush Presidential Center website which reads in part:
“Laura and I have been watching the tragic events unfolding in Afghanistan with deep sadness. Our hearts are heavy for both the Afghan people who have suffered so much and for the Americans and NATO allies who have sacrificed so much.
The Afghans now at the greatest risk are the same ones who have been on the forefront of progress inside their nation. President Biden has promised to evacuate these Afghans, along with American citizens and our allies. The United States government has the legal authority to cut the red tape for refugees during urgent humanitarian crises. And we have the responsibility and the resources to secure safe passage for them now, without bureaucratic delay. Our most stalwart allies, along with private NGOs, are ready to help.
Laura and I are confident that the evacuation efforts will be effective because they are being carried out by the remarkable men and women of the United States Armed Forces, diplomatic corps, and intelligence community. And we want to speak to them directly, along with the veterans who have served in Afghanistan.
Many of you deal with wounds of war, both visible and invisible. And some of your brothers and sisters in arms made the ultimate sacrifice in the war on terror. Each day, we have been humbled by your commitment and your courage. You took out a brutal enemy and denied Al Qaeda a safe haven while building schools, sending supplies, and providing medical care. You kept America safe from further terror attacks, provided two decades of security and opportunity for millions, and made America proud. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and will always honor your contributions.
In times like these, it can be hard to remain optimistic. Laura and I will steadfastly remain so. Like our country, Afghanistan is also made up of resilient, vibrant people. Nearly 65 percent of the population is under twenty-five years old. The choices they will make for opportunity, education, and liberty will also determine Afghanistan’s future. As Dr. Sakena Yacoobi of the Afghan Institute of Learning, which has opened schools for girls and women around the nation, wrote this week: “While we are afraid, we are not defeated.” She added, “Ideas do not disappear so easily. One cannot kill whispers on the wind. The Taliban cannot crush a dream. We will prevail, even if it takes longer than we wanted it to.”
While Bush’s statement is nice and all, maybe he should have thrown his political support behind former President Trump during the last election so that this disaster could have been avoided.
Bush supported Joe Biden last November so he is also to blame for the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Bush is also to blame for turning a campaign to destroy al-Qaeda into one of trying to turn Afghanistan into a secular western type nation.
My guess is Bush’s message will not be well received by the majority of Republicans or those who served in Afghanistan. His message will mostly resonate with Democrats and media types looking for a club to bash the right with.
That said, those on the left are none to happy with Mr. Bush or his statement:
Today is a good day to remember that George W. Bush is a monster who led the US into two disastrous wars in the Middle East and not some kindly old man who took up painting in retirement.
— Eva (@evacide) August 15, 2021
I am ashamed to say I voted for George W Bush 🤦🏻♀️ https://t.co/nnZJYC9PkL
— TheCyberChick (@warriors_mom) August 17, 2021
“The days of the Taliban are over. The future of Afghanistan belongs to the people of Afghanistan. And the future of Afghanistan belongs to freedom.”
– George W. Bush, 2006 pic.twitter.com/S8alR2TuBy
— Human Rights Watch Watcher (@queeralamode) August 15, 2021
George W Bush dodging blame while people are arguing whether to blame Trump or Biden pic.twitter.com/EwnYamyYYJ
— JSWilliams1962 (@jswtreeman) August 15, 2021
What a time for American journalism to memory hole George W. Bush, who clearly bears the most responsibility for all of this. I'd have thought you couldn't just erase a recent eight-year presidency from our national story, but I was wrong! A truly impressive accomplishment.
— Aaron Fritschner (@Fritschner) August 16, 2021