Between the spiking crime rates, the increase in homeless encampments and the ease of access to hard drugs, New York City has been in a downward spiral since the introduction of statewide bail reform in 2019.
Yet, as the quality of life for everyday New Yorkers deteriorates, Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation earlier this month that would replace the word “inmate” with “incarcerated person” in state laws. Because, as Democratic state Sen. Gustavo Rivera explained to The New York Post, “For too long, we as a society have thought of incarcerated individuals as less than people. The use of the word ‘inmate’ further dehumanizes and demoralizes them.”
In the latest sign the state’s leaders are missing the forest for the trees, a new law went into effect last November to ban the sale of canned whipped cream to individuals under 21 years of age, according to The Washington Times.
The whippet cartridges inside the cans contain nitrous oxide, otherwise known as laughing gas, which young people inhale to get high.
The new law states, “For purposes of this section, the term ‘whipped cream charger’ shall mean a steel cylinder orcartridge filled with nitrous oxide (N2O) that is used as a whipping agent in a whipped cream dispenser.
“No person, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, firm or any other business entity doing business within this state shall sell or offer for sale a whipped cream charger to any person under the age of twenty-one.”
Those who violate this law are subject to a civil penalty of $250 for the first offense and $500 for each subsequent offense, the Times reported.
Democratic state Sen. Joseph Addabo Jr., who sponsored this legislation, issued a statement to WNYT-TV through a representative which read, “Nitrous oxide is a legal chemical for legitimate professional use, but when used improperly, it can be extremely lethal. Sadly, young people buy and inhale this gas to get ‘high’ because they mistakenly believe it is a ‘safe’ substance. This law will eliminate easy access to this dangerous substance for our youth.”
In the state of New York, the law says you must be 21 to buy a spray can of whipped cream. Why, you ask? Because some (perhaps most) of these cans contain nitrous oxide, and some people buy them to “huff” and get high. 🤣😆🤣https://t.co/iiR431oYVB
— Brian Anthony (@BriansCerebrum) August 25, 2022
I hate New York. Must be 21 with ID to buy whipped cream in a can. Seriously ? https://t.co/nq9Ctwlpp6
— You Can't Handle The Truth (@TruthIsRight123) August 9, 2022
WNYT sent a reporter out to see how the ban is going and found that some store owners were not even aware of the law. On the other hand, Stewart’s, a store located in Menands, New York, displayed a sign about the new age requirement for whipped cream buyers.
Albany resident Fiore Polera told WNYT, “I agree with it 100 percent, ’cause I guess young kids are trying to get high off of it or something.”
According to the report, opinions were mixed. Yash Thakur, who was visiting Albany from Connecticut, said, “I think it is a bit extreme, because I think the amount of people using whipped cream for whipped cream purposes is a lot bigger than people using it for that reason, so if kids like it with ice cream and stuff.”
Compared to the massive problems the state faces, people abusing the gas inside of a whipped cream container is small potatoes. There are far worse things than whipped cream out there, including crime, easy access to actual hard drugs, filth, infrastructure in disrepair and the countless thousands of individuals living on the street.
New York legislators may think they’re tackling problems, but it seems like this is a fix for a problem that really doesn’t impact too many New Yorkers.
But, I suppose, priorities.
It’s foolishness like this that could help New York Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin unseat Hochul in November.