President Joe Biden is damaged goods.
In just eight short months, his policy decisions and his poor judgment have left the United States weaker, poorer, and diminished our standing in the world.
From his de facto open border policy in the south to his foolish decision to abandon Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan and then to pull American troops out of the country before American citizens, our Afghan allies and our military equipment, he has caused inestimable harm to the United States.
It’s likely that no individual sees this more clearly than former President Donald Trump. He has to be horrified by Biden’s reversal of nearly all of his administration’s policies and gains.
Newsmax host Sean Spicer, who served as a Trump White House communications director and press secretary, interviewed his former boss on Tuesday night by telephone.
Trump told Spicer and co-host Lyndsay Keith, “Our country has gone really downhill in the last eight months, like nobody’s ever seen before. And you go to these elections that are coming up in ’22 and ’24, we’re not going to have a country left in three years, I’ll tell you that.”
“How’s this for a paradox?” crowed a writer from The Huffington Post. “Donald Trump is predicting America will end in three years and is also hinting that he may run for office in 2024 ― three years from now.”
The article breathlessly reported that “the former president made the contradictory claims during a Newsmax interview on Tuesday with his former White House press secretary Sean Spicer.”
Although this remark was hyperbole, sadly, there is a lot of truth in it. By nearly every metric, the U.S. is worse off than the country was when President Joe Biden took office.
The dual crises at our southwest border and in Afghanistan now threaten our national security.
This administration’s massive spending has driven our national debt up to unsustainable levels and ignited inflation.
But neither the rising inflation rate nor the debt seems to bother Biden or top Democrats. They’re still trying to ram through a $3.5 trillion “human infrastructure” bill. Thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin, the West Virginia Democrat, the final legislation could be whittled down to $1.5-$2 trillion, which is still excessive and inflationary, but obviously an improvement.
Passage of this bill will also create new entitlements which, once implemented, are not easy to reverse.
Under Trump, the U.S. had achieved energy independence. By contrast, Biden has declared war on the fossil fuel industry that has inevitably contributed to rising gasoline prices. Inflated prices at the pump have the same effect as a tax on individuals and hits lower and middle-income wage earners the hardest.
The Democrats have tried to push through the dangerous voter rights bill (H.R. 1/ S. 1), which they, with the help of the mainstream media, ironically are selling as an “anti-corruption” bill. Passage of this legislation would end voter ID, federalize elections and could very likely guarantee Democratic Party rule in the U.S. for generations to come.
Last week, Biden announced his plans for a sweeping and unconstitutional vaccine mandate to include businesses in the private sector with more than 100 employees.
Biden has declared Democratic bugaboos like “white supremacy” and “climate change” to be the greatest national security threats we face. And the military is on it to the detriment of its traditional role of protecting Americans from their enemies.
This administration has politicized the military like never before.
They would also like to abolish the filibuster so they can pack the Supreme Court and grant statehood to Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. And I am just scratching the surface.
Democrats have become drunk on power. Their tentacles are reaching into every aspect of our lives, including our public school systems.
And they’ve done it all in just eight months. With the Senate tied between the two parties, and Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi maintaining her seat by a whisker-thin majority, it’s entirely possible that Republicans will win one or even both chambers of Congress in next year’s midterms, which will prevent major legislation from passing.
But until then, Democrats still have more than a year of single-party rule. And whether it’s Biden or now-Vice President Kamala Harris, whoever is calling the shots in the Oval Office will be a Democrat for three years and four months, so Democrats will largely control foreign policy.
America is in deep trouble.
If Biden continues on his current path, Trump’s comment may be more prescient than hyperbolic.